New Project (18)

Our Senior School prepares students for their lives beyond school by supporting them to envision their future and make choices about learning, work and life.  Students in years 10, 11 and 12 participate in the BELIEVE (Building Equitable Links in Enterprise and Vocational Education) program.  Through this program students participate in learning experiences that focus on skills for learning, personal wellbeing, and career pathways.  Students develop their skills, strengths and interests, set goals, and create action plans that guide them as they move beyond school into interesting, flourishing lives.

Individual Education Plans


Conner & Jackson 4

 Vocational Education and Training (VET)

Preparing students for life beyond high school is an integral aim of our VET programs. Through participation in Vocational Education our students develop new skills in real-world, community-based experiences. Our VET programs provide students with the opportunity to gain nationally recognised qualifications linked to creating sustainable partnerships with individuals and organisations. In addition to improving the employability potential of our students, our VET programs support students to develop their confidence and to make connections in their community.

Our VET Trainers facilitate courses in school:

Year 10 Certificate I Workplace Skills

Year 11 Certificate I Active Volunteering

Year 12 Certificate I Leadership




Microenterprise education makes learning authentic and valuable for individual students to investigate their interests. Students are taught the skills and knowledge to establish a mini business that includes a plan that incorporates their market of our school and/or wider community. Students run their business and engage in regular reflection regarding successes, skill development, problem solving, and developing next steps. Through the microenterprise process, students develop their English, Mathematics and Career Education knowledge and skills in a practical context.

Term 3 Week 4 Angelique and Isabella 1

Workplace Learning & Volunteering  

We value participation in community-based experiences where students are integrated into adult environments. Our workplace learning and volunteering programs allows for students to learn through practical, hands-on experiences. Our students are introduced to volunteering in Year 10, attending workplaces in small groups with support from staff, but always aiming for independent engagement. In years 11 and 12 individual students independently participate in the Authority Developed Workplace Learning (ADWPL) endorsed program once they have had the opportunity to develop their capacity. Workplace learning and volunteering encourages our students to learn about possible pathways while developing transferable skills and knowledge.

Riley - TAFE Construction


Career Education

Through our school developed, “Partnerships and Pathways” Career Education program, our students explore the world of work, engage in self-exploration activities, and are supported to make positive connections in their local community. Our Career Education program facilitates Individual Pathway Planning that informs our students’ personal goals and plans for learning, wellbeing and growth. In partnership with parents and guardians, and guided by our wellbeing and career development frameworks, learning plans are developed with our students that meet their individualised transition needs, preparing them for a healthy and meaningful adult life.  

chad assessment

English and Mathematics

Our English and Mathematics programs in are focused on the functional skills and strategies our students require in life. Our learning programs are meaningful, engaging and integrated with the literacy and numeracy skills required in our Vocational, Workplace and Volunteering programs. In Years 11 and 12 our English and Maths programs are informed by the Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF). This framework provides a detailed guide to the development of Reading, Writing, Oral Communication, Numeracy and Learning skills across several contexts:

- Personal and community  

- Workplace and employment/volunteering

- Education and training




Social Emotional Learning

Our Senior School students continue to develop their Personal and Social capabilities through our Social Emotional Learning curriculum in which they learn to understand themselves and others, and manage their relationships, lives, work and learning more effectively. Students are encouraged to develop their self-determination; becoming confident in who they are, making decisions, self-advocating, setting goals, and working to achieve these goals.


Health and Physical Education

Through our Health and Physical Education programs, our students learn the benefits of maintaining optimal health and wellbeing.  The Health and Physical Education curriculum provides students with an understanding of health practices and skills needed for recreational activities and the ability to make responsible decisions to promote personal health and wellbeing.  Year 10 students participate in Physical Education lessons with the mainstream school, accessing specialist teachers and opportunities for interactions with a wider range of peers.  In Years 11 and 12 the focus is on students developing and actioning their own personal goals linked to health, fitness and recreation; and on learning about the facilities and supports in their local community that will assist them to meet these goals, both now and beyond school.