Student Council


My Future My Life Transition Planning Process

Warnbro CHS Education Support Centre has developed a comprehensive and individualised transition planning process that promotes a seamless transition for our students as they journey into, through and from school. Named, ‘My Future My Life’, our transition planning process promotes active student involvement, active family involvement,  and interagency collaboration. Students are supported to envision their desired future and make choices about learning, work and life. Through this process, students build support networks and develop action plans that guide them as they move beyond school into interesting and fulfilling lives.



Big Buddy/Little Buddy

Our transition processes begin when students transition from primary to high school. Our Big Buddy/Little Buddy program is a leadership initiative which supports the effective transition of year 7 students into our school. In the Big Buddy/Little Buddy program, year 10 students are mentors to the new students; interacting with them during recess, lunch and at arranged classroom times. This process supports the new students to feel safe and happy at our school. The program facilitates the development of positive social interactions amongst students, helping create a sense of positive purpose and a sense of connection and belonging to the school.


The Big Plan

Year 9 students participate in The Big Plan. The Big Plan helps a person think about and plan for their own future in a way that is meaningful to them. The Big Plan has this powerful question at the heart of it …

“What would it take for this person to have an interesting, fulfilling life where they could make their contribution to the community and meet people who may become their friends?”

In The Big Plan, students and their families join us to participate in a series of workshops. Each workshop has a different theme which supports the student to explore who they are and to think about the purpose and direction of their lives. The Big Plan focuses on the students’ strengths, interests, hopes and aspirations.



Individual Pathway Planning

Each student engages in Pathway Planning. Students explore who they are and what matters to them. They are supported to develop meaningful goals and achievable action plans. Students share their Pathway Plans with their parents, teachers and other school staff to inform transition and career planning. 



Directions Team

Our Directions team provides innovative solutions in sourcing alternative pathways for students. The Directions Team develop strong partnerships with local employers, training providers and disability support agencies. The team works closely with individual students and their parents and teachers to support students transition from school into a pathway that is matched to the students’ interests, strengths and aspirations.


At Warnbro CHS Education Support Centre building partnerships with parents, community, industry, agencies and other schools is a key focus. Working closely with our community, at all levels, helps us to ensure ongoing improvement and supports the building of meaningful pathways for our students into the community.



Partnerships with Parents

The school is committed to developing a school culture which values parental engagement. Through building strong and trusting partnerships with parents, we seek to support our students’ ongoing growth and development. The school benefits from the valuable information families share about their child’s needs and how best we can support them which positively impacts on student learning and wellbeing outcomes. We also seek to support parents in their own learning and ability to support their child’s learning and wellbeing development. Opportunities for education are provided through our Parent Network group and links to outside groups, as well as reaching out through personal contact, conversations and meetings.



Partnerships with Business to Support Learning

Partnerships with local business and industry organisations are an essential part in building pathways into the community for our students. Partnerships with Businesses support our students to expand their interests and employment opportunities in the community. Importantly, these partnerships also provide valuable opportunities for our students to make their contribution.


Transition- Partnerships with Contributing Primary Schools

The school works in partnership with contributing primary schools to ensure a comprehensive approach to students transition from primary school to high school. This involves, a 10-week transition program, planning meetings, information exchange and a family gathering. This comprehensive approach supports a smooth transition for students and helps to establish routines, increase familiarity with the school environment, supports the establishment of relationships with students and staff and helps build a sense of connection and belonging.



Partnership with Warnbro Community High School

The school enjoys an inclusive and supportive relationship with Warnbro Community High School. Our two schools work collaboratively in a relationship that strengthens both schools, promotes inclusion and contributes to a strong community where Education Support Centre students and staff enjoy equal citizenship of both schools.



Education Networks

In addition, Warnbro CHS Education Support Centre is involved with a number of Education Networks that collaborate on a range of topics including student learning, curriculum, training and employment for students, and staff development. Our school is a member of the Peron Alliance in Curriculum and Teaching (PACT), Perron South Network, Warnbro Cell as well as the Peron Education Support School Alliance (PESA). Collaborating with other schools through allows us to share expertise and resources enhancing our school’s ability to maximise student outcomes.