New Project (10)

Individual Education Plans





We believe literacy learning is at the heart of curriculum provision. We intend to improve student literacy levels in oral language, pragmatics, phonological awareness, phonics, reading accuracy and fluency, vocabulary, comprehension, spelling and writing. Our focus Is to enable every student to develop literacy skills which encourage them to believe, in their ability to achieve social and vocational aspirations, and flourish within our community.




We aim for every student to develop essential mathematical skills and knowledge so they can meet the demands of learning, school, home, work, community and civic life. We aim to do this by adopting whole school approaches that promote a quality teaching and learning program that includes assessment, reporting, collaboration and effective intervention and the development of community partnerships.




We foster an interest in science as a means of expanding student curiosity and willingness to explore, ask questions about and speculate on the changing world in which they live. We understand that the learning area of Science allows for students to develop important skills in, group work and observation while participating in highly engaging, fun learning activities. Our science program is fully aligned with the West Australian Curriculum and focuses on learning inquiry skills through engaging hands on experiences and experiments. Science learning covers the areas of biological science, physical science, earth and space science and chemical science.



.Humanities and Social Science

Through our HASS curriculum we aim to develop a deep knowledge and sense of wonder, curiosity and respect for places, people, cultures, events, ideas and environments throughout the world. We provide learning that encourages a sense of belonging to, and engagement with, civic life, with the capacity and willingness to be informed, responsible, ethical and active participants in society at a local, national and global scale. Students develop the ability to think critically, solve problems, make informed decisions and propose actions in relation to real-world events and issues. The HASS curriculum also lends itself to providing opportunities for students to contribute to their school and wider community through programs such as the Bendigo Bank Community Sponsorship program and our annual Christmas Market School Community event.



Health and Physical Education

We believe that maintain optimal health and wellbeing is the key to leading a purposeful and fulfilling life. The health and PE curriculum provides students with an understanding of health practices and skills needed for recreational activities and the ability to make responsible decisions to promote personal health and wellbeing. Middle school students participate in PE lessons integrated into the mainstream school, allowing them access to teachers trained to develop physical skills and healthy practices while interacting with their peers to develop skills in sportsmanship and team activities.



Digital Technology

In the fast paced and ever changing world of technology we understand the importance of supporting students to develop an understanding of and skills in computational thinking. The digital technology curriculum provides students with opportunities to create solutions in areas meaningful to them and to explore digital systems using equipment such as iPads, laptops and interactive whiteboards. They develop an understanding of communicating ideas and information safely when using digital technologies.



Social Emotional Learning

At Warnbro Community High Education Support Centre, we believe that students develop personal and social capability as they learn to understand themselves and others, and manage their relationships, lives, work and learning more effectively. Students develop a sense of their personal abilities, qualities and strengths through identifying how they are feeling and having a well-grounded sense of self-knowledge and self-confidence. They develop skills in regulating, managing and monitoring their own emotional responses, and persisting in completing tasks and overcoming obstacles. Students learn to negotiate and communicate effectively with others, work in teams, resolve conflict and to participate in positive, safe and respectful relationships. 




Inclusion forms a strong foundation of our pedagogy. Students are equal citizens of both Warnbro Community High School and Warnbro Community High School Education Support Centre. Students in Years 7, 8, 9 and 10 spend approximately 20% of their time in integrated mainstream classes working alongside their mainstream peers. Students are supported by education assistants in option classes while our class teachers work in partnership with the mainstream teachers to ensure equal access to the curriculum. Students participate in Health & Physical Education and access subjects such as Drama, Art, Dance, Media, Music, Materials and Food Technology on a rotational basis.